Saturday, April 19, 2008

Track Practice - April 07

Today's practice was hard as flip!! We had to run three 3oom in an allotted time limit. For girls, you had to finish in 45.34 secondsor less. For boys, you had to finish in 37.45 seconds or less. Catch was that if you didn't finish your 300m in your allotted time, it didn't count! So you could have ran 8 of them bad boys in 39 sec each time, they wouldn't count for your 3. Some BS huh?!?! Anyways, we ran && ran && ran till we were throwing up && passing out all over the field. We was determined though.


Durke running his 300m with Bryan B.K.A. Rocket close behind.


Chris, Keanen, && Justin starting of hard for their 300m.


Moriah clearing his high jump


Using every muscle I had to make that 45 sec limit...I had 44 sec in lane 2[[supposed to be in lane 1]]FOOFERZ!!

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