Friday, May 23, 2008

Its OFFICIALLY over...

So track && field is done for until next year....can't wait. I think in between time I'll do X-Country....NAW...too much running for such a little person! City finals at Birmingham was HELL!! at least it wasn't 102 degrees like it was at pre-lims. Soooo this is how the Crenshaw High School Track && Field team embarked on their journey to Birmingham--->

So it all started on a kind-of chilly late thursday morning. Around 15-iish people and some extras met up by the field after 3rd period for our coaches and bus. We chilled && talked....chilled some more...&& talked some more till the brodee cuh'z Kea showed up with some lil' Caesars pizza. I had a little deja vu moment because she had the same pizza for City prelims the week before. Just a little image for you guys...Kea had on a C-House track hoodie[[understandable, it was cold]] && sum GOT-DAMN shorts with some purple tights!!! I told her it was going to be cold but the whole time she thought I was talking about her stank-ass pizza. So I let the issue go because I was being bombarded by my teammates for slices of cheesy && meaty goodness[[pizza = yummmm]]! 

Then our coach showed up around a hour AFTER the time he said he would be their with a bus. Black people are never on time! AND on top of that the DAMN bus wasn't at the skewl yet! Soo, hungry, cold, and tired we sat waiting until our coach said he would take some of us in his "soccer mom" van to a nearby shopping centre for food! HURRAYYYY!! So like 8 of us from the team ILLEGALLY piled into the van to our savior named food. We arrive && we argue about what we are going to buy...Coach got mad...and we went our seperate ways for food. John-O[[it looks kahyute spelled that way]], Milton, Quis-Quis and I went to Burger King to get food for ourselves and others[[Moriah && KB]], while, Shannon, Coach Dekard, DeAnthony, && Greg'Ums went to subway. We[[Burger King voyagers]] all ordered the same thing, the delectable Triple Stacker with large fries && sodas. A heart-attack in a bag! After almost 15 minutes worth of f'kd up orders[[new guy on the job]] && iish, we meet up at the "soccer mom" van && went back to the skewl to get on our bus to Birmingham. 

Once settled on the bus, we devoured our food. I should have sat by myself because I ended being quite disapointed because my "cupholder" b.k.a. Bryan ate all my frencher-mer-fries && then Jerret spilled my su-woop[[strawberry]] soda all over his t-shirt. So after a good meal, we was sleepy. I HATE going to sleep on buses when I don't have my own seat but, I ended up having to put up with Bryan and his shoulder. It wasn't as bad as I thought because sleeping with him[[sounds soo dirty]] showed how considerate he is. He made sure I was comfortable the whole way there. When we hit this big ASS bump && everyone woke up, he put my head back on his shoulder....AWWWW! We arrived at Birmingham at around 1-iish and the meet didn't start till 5. WTF!! So we chilled for a while until it started to F'KN sprinkle, then rain, finally it POURED....for like 30mins. The sky flashed and yelled a little bit then it got all nice and warm. Then, it was cold as hell again. Weather now-a-days! 

So the meet starts off...our Frosh/Soph boys && our Varsity girls relay team smashed....our Varsity boys....well....they kind-of-droped the baton && got DQ! They was all extra confrontational && about to fight on TV!! Ignorant black people...but I would be made too because they just burned there ticket to State. So after the anger died down...our team-mates started to put in work!! So trackmeet ended around 9:30-iish and we didn't get home till 11pm. The bus ride home was soo quiet...everyone was sleep && once again I was sharing a seat with  Bryan[[we got lost && was last on the bus]]. It was SOO uncomfortable because he sat with his legs open for like a third of the way home. He finally changed positions[[THANK GOD]] by putting his leg behind me. I came to realize that it is EXTREMELY hard to sleep sitting up. As usual, Bryan being a gentleman pulled me down to sleep on his chest....everyone was out cold on the bus. *tear* I'm going to miss those guys....


Shelter from the rain

Photobucket can see my kiccsters && my Levi's bag in the bottom left hand corner.

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